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java volatile

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了解java的volaite 内容


volatile 在jls有几个描述:

  • keyword
  • filed modified


volatile详细描述在: volatile Fields

The Java programming language allows threads to access shared variables (§17.1).
As a rule, to ensure that shared variables are consistently and reliably updated, a
thread should ensure that it has exclusive use of such variables by obtaining a lock
that, conventionally, enforces mutual exclusion for those shared variables.
The Java programming language provides a second mechanism, volatile fields,
that is more convenient than locking for some purposes


java除了通过锁,还有另外一个机制来访问和更新共享变量,这就是volatile fields.
在某些情况下volatile field会比锁更加方便

visibility, ordering and atomicity


  • 可见性
  • 排序
  • 原子性

jsr-133 里面有三个不正常同步会出现的问题 ,原文如下:

If a program is not correctly synchronized, then three types of problems can appear:
visibility, ordering and atomicity.


下面是jsr133 里面给的例子:

分别有两个线程: threadOne 和线程threadTwo

class BadlyOrdered {
boolean a = false;
boolean b = false;

void threadOne() {
a = true;
b = true;

boolean threadTwo() {
boolean r1 = b; // sees true
boolean r2 = a; // sees false
return r1 && !r2; // returns true

在网上找了个c++ 版本的cpu指令重排的例子来源

命名为 reorder.cpp

#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Set either of these to 1 to prevent CPU reordering
#define USE_CPU_FENCE 0
#define USE_SINGLE_HW_THREAD 0 // Supported on Linux, but not Cygwin or PS3

#include <sched.h>

// MersenneTwister
// A thread-safe random number generator with good randomness
// in a small number of instructions. We'll use it to introduce
// random timing delays.
#define MT_IA 397
#define MT_LEN 624

class MersenneTwister
unsigned int m_buffer[MT_LEN];
int m_index;

MersenneTwister(unsigned int seed);
// Declare noinline so that the function call acts as a compiler barrier:
unsigned int integer() __attribute__((noinline));

MersenneTwister::MersenneTwister(unsigned int seed)
// Initialize by filling with the seed, then iterating
// the algorithm a bunch of times to shuffle things up.
for (int i = 0; i < MT_LEN; i++)
m_buffer[i] = seed;
m_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MT_LEN * 100; i++)

unsigned int MersenneTwister::integer()
// Indices
int i = m_index;
int i2 = m_index + 1; if (i2 >= MT_LEN) i2 = 0; // wrap-around
int j = m_index + MT_IA; if (j >= MT_LEN) j -= MT_LEN; // wrap-around

// Twist
unsigned int s = (m_buffer[i] & 0x80000000) | (m_buffer[i2] & 0x7fffffff);
unsigned int r = m_buffer[j] ^ (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
m_buffer[m_index] = r;
m_index = i2;

// Swizzle
r ^= (r >> 11);
r ^= (r << 7) & 0x9d2c5680UL;
r ^= (r << 15) & 0xefc60000UL;
r ^= (r >> 18);
return r;

// Main program, as decribed in the post
sem_t beginSema1;
sem_t beginSema2;
sem_t endSema;

int X, Y;
int r1, r2;

void *thread1Func(void *param)
MersenneTwister random(1);
for (;;)
sem_wait(&beginSema1); // Wait for signal
while (random.integer() % 8 != 0) {} // Random delay

// ----- THE TRANSACTION! -----
X = 1;
asm volatile("mfence" ::: "memory"); // Prevent CPU reordering
asm volatile("" ::: "memory"); // Prevent compiler reordering
r1 = Y;

sem_post(&endSema); // Notify transaction complete
return NULL; // Never returns

void *thread2Func(void *param)
MersenneTwister random(2);
for (;;)
sem_wait(&beginSema2); // Wait for signal
while (random.integer() % 8 != 0) {} // Random delay

// ----- THE TRANSACTION! -----
Y = 1;
asm volatile("mfence" ::: "memory"); // Prevent CPU reordering
asm volatile("" ::: "memory"); // Prevent compiler reordering
r2 = X;

sem_post(&endSema); // Notify transaction complete
return NULL; // Never returns

int main()
// Initialize the semaphores
sem_init(&beginSema1, 0, 0);
sem_init(&beginSema2, 0, 0);
sem_init(&endSema, 0, 0);

// Spawn the threads
pthread_t thread1, thread2;
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, thread1Func, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, thread2Func, NULL);

// Force thread affinities to the same cpu core.
cpu_set_t cpus;
CPU_SET(0, &cpus);
pthread_setaffinity_np(thread1, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpus);
pthread_setaffinity_np(thread2, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpus);

// Repeat the experiment ad infinitum
int detected = 0;
for (int iterations = 1; ; iterations++)
// Reset X and Y
X = 0;
Y = 0;
// Signal both threads
// Wait for both threads
// Check if there was a simultaneous reorder
if (r1 == 0 && r2 == 0)
printf("%d reorders detected after %d iterations\n", detected, iterations);
return 0; // Never returns

## 然后编译
gcc -O2 reorder.cpp -o reorder

## 执行
