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· 15 min read

%% Message store is responsible for storing messages
%% on disk and loading them back. The store handles both
%% persistent messages and transient ones (when a node
%% is under RAM pressure and needs to page messages out
%% to disk). The store is responsible for locating messages
%% on disk and maintaining an index.

%% There are two message stores per node: one for transient
%% and one for persistent messages.
一个是对易失的消息 , 一个是持久化的消息
%% Queue processes interact with the stores via clients.
%% The components:
%% Index: this is a mapping from MsgId to #msg_location{}.
%% By default, it's in ETS, but other implementations can
%% be used.
%% FileSummary: this maps File to #file_summary{} and is stored
%% in ETS.

%% The basic idea is that messages are appended to the current file up
%% until that file becomes too big (> file_size_limit). At that point,
%% the file is closed and a new file is created on the _right_ of the
%% old file which is used for new messages. Files are named
%% numerically ascending, thus the file with the lowest name is the
%% eldest file.
%% We need to keep track of which messages are in which files (this is
%% the index); how much useful data is in each file and which files
%% are on the left and right of each other. This is the purpose of the
%% file summary ETS table.
我们需要确定消息在哪个文件(这就是一个索引的功能); 还有多少数据是有效在每个文
%% As messages are removed from files, holes appear in these
%% files. The field ValidTotalSize contains the total amount of useful
%% data left in the file. This is needed for garbage collection.
%% When we discover that a file is now empty, we delete it. When we
%% discover that it can be combined with the useful data in either its
%% left or right neighbour, and overall, across all the files, we have
%% ((the amount of garbage) / (the sum of all file sizes)) >
%% ?GARBAGE_FRACTION, we start a garbage collection run concurrently,
%% which will compact the two files together.
当garbage 数量与所有文件大

This keeps disk
%% utilisation high and aids performance. We deliberately do this
%% lazily in order to prevent doing GC on files which are soon to be
%% emptied (and hence deleted).

%% Given the compaction between two files, the left file (i.e. elder
%% file) is considered the ultimate destination for the good data in
%% the right file. If necessary, the good data in the left file which
%% is fragmented throughout the file is written out to a temporary
%% file, then read back in to form a contiguous chunk of good data at
%% the start of the left file. Thus the left file is garbage collected
%% and compacted. Then the good data from the right file is copied
%% onto the end of the left file. Index and file summary tables are
%% updated.
%% On non-clean startup, we scan the files we discover, dealing with
%% the possibilities of a crash having occurred during a compaction
%% (this consists of tidyup - the compaction is deliberately designed
%% such that data is duplicated on disk rather than risking it being
%% lost), and rebuild the file summary and index ETS table.
%% So, with this design, messages move to the left. Eventually, they
%% should end up in a contiguous block on the left and are then never
%% rewritten. But this isn't quite the case. If in a file there is one
%% message that is being ignored, for some reason, and messages in the
%% file to the right and in the current block are being read all the
%% time then it will repeatedly be the case that the good data from
%% both files can be combined and will be written out to a new
%% file. Whenever this happens, our shunned message will be rewritten.
%% So, provided that we combine messages in the right order,
%% (i.e. left file, bottom to top, right file, bottom to top),
%% eventually our shunned message will end up at the bottom of the
%% left file. The compaction/combining algorithm is smart enough to
%% read in good data from the left file that is scattered throughout
%% (i.e. C and D in the below diagram), then truncate the file to just
%% above B (i.e. truncate to the limit of the good contiguous region
%% at the start of the file), then write C and D on top and then write
%% E, F and G from the right file on top. Thus contiguous blocks of
%% good data at the bottom of files are not rewritten.
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | X | | G | | G |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | D | | X | | F |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | X | | X | | E |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | C | | F | ===> | D |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | X | | X | | C |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | B | | X | | B |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% | A | | E | | A |
%% +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
%% left right left
%% From this reasoning, we do have a bound on the number of times the
%% message is rewritten. From when it is inserted, there can be no
%% files inserted between it and the head of the queue, and the worst
%% case is that every time it is rewritten, it moves one position lower
%% in the file (for it to stay at the same position requires that
%% there are no holes beneath it, which means truncate would be used
%% and so it would not be rewritten at all). Thus this seems to
%% suggest the limit is the number of messages ahead of it in the
%% queue, though it's likely that that's pessimistic, given the
%% requirements for compaction/combination of files.
%% The other property that we have is the bound on the lowest
%% utilisation, which should be 50% - worst case is that all files are
%% fractionally over half full and can't be combined (equivalent is
%% alternating full files and files with only one tiny message in
%% them).
%% Messages are reference-counted. When a message with the same msg id
%% is written several times we only store it once, and only remove it
%% from the store when it has been removed the same number of times.
%% The reference counts do not persist. Therefore the initialisation
%% function must be provided with a generator that produces ref count
%% deltas for all recovered messages. This is only used on startup
%% when the shutdown was non-clean.
%% Read messages with a reference count greater than one are entered
%% into a message cache. The purpose of the cache is not especially
%% performance, though it can help there too, but prevention of memory
%% explosion. It ensures that as messages with a high reference count
%% are read from several processes they are read back as the same
%% binary object rather than multiples of identical binary
%% objects.
%% Reads can be performed directly by clients without calling to the
%% server. This is safe because multiple file handles can be used to
%% read files. However, locking is used by the concurrent GC to make
%% sure that reads are not attempted from files which are in the
%% process of being garbage collected.
%% When a message is removed, its reference count is decremented. Even
%% if the reference count becomes 0, its entry is not removed. This is
%% because in the event of the same message being sent to several
%% different queues, there is the possibility of one queue writing and
%% removing the message before other queues write it at all. Thus
%% accommodating 0-reference counts allows us to avoid unnecessary
%% writes here. Of course, there are complications: the file to which
%% the message has already been written could be locked pending
%% deletion or GC, which means we have to rewrite the message as the
%% original copy will now be lost.
%% The server automatically defers reads, removes and contains calls
%% that occur which refer to files which are currently being
%% GC'd. Contains calls are only deferred in order to ensure they do
%% not overtake removes.
%% The current file to which messages are being written has a
%% write-back cache. This is written to immediately by clients and can
%% be read from by clients too. This means that there are only ever
%% writes made to the current file, thus eliminating delays due to
%% flushing write buffers in order to be able to safely read from the
%% current file. The one exception to this is that on start up, the
%% cache is not populated with msgs found in the current file, and
%% thus in this case only, reads may have to come from the file
%% itself. The effect of this is that even if the msg_store process is
%% heavily overloaded, clients can still write and read messages with
%% very low latency and not block at all.
%% Clients of the msg_store are required to register before using the
%% msg_store. This provides them with the necessary client-side state
%% to allow them to directly access the various caches and files. When
%% they terminate, they should deregister. They can do this by calling
%% either client_terminate/1 or client_delete_and_terminate/1. The
%% differences are: (a) client_terminate is synchronous. As a result,
%% if the msg_store is badly overloaded and has lots of in-flight
%% writes and removes to process, this will take some time to
%% return. However, once it does return, you can be sure that all the
%% actions you've issued to the msg_store have been processed. (b) Not
%% only is client_delete_and_terminate/1 asynchronous, but it also
%% permits writes and subsequent removes from the current
%% (terminating) client which are still in flight to be safely
%% ignored. Thus from the point of view of the msg_store itself, and
%% all from the same client:
%% (T) = termination; (WN) = write of msg N; (RN) = remove of msg N
%% --> W1, W2, W1, R1, T, W3, R2, W2, R1, R2, R3, W4 -->
%% The client obviously sent T after all the other messages (up to
%% W4), but because the msg_store prioritises messages, the T can be
%% promoted and thus received early.
%% Thus at the point of the msg_store receiving T, we have messages 1
%% and 2 with a refcount of 1. After T, W3 will be ignored because
%% it's an unknown message, as will R3, and W4. W2, R1 and R2 won't be
%% ignored because the messages that they refer to were already known
%% to the msg_store prior to T. However, it can be a little more
%% complex: after the first R2, the refcount of msg 2 is 0. At that
%% point, if a GC occurs or file deletion, msg 2 could vanish, which
%% would then mean that the subsequent W2 and R2 are then ignored.
%% The use case then for client_delete_and_terminate/1 is if the
%% client wishes to remove everything it's written to the msg_store:
%% it issues removes for all messages it's written and not removed,
%% and then calls client_delete_and_terminate/1. At that point, any
%% in-flight writes (and subsequent removes) can be ignored, but
%% removes and writes for messages the msg_store already knows about
%% will continue to be processed normally (which will normally just
%% involve modifying the reference count, which is fast). Thus we save
%% disk bandwidth for writes which are going to be immediately removed
%% again by the the terminating client.
%% We use a separate set to keep track of the dying clients in order
%% to keep that set, which is inspected on every write and remove, as
%% small as possible. Inspecting the set of all clients would degrade
%% performance with many healthy clients and few, if any, dying
%% clients, which is the typical case.
%% Client termination messages are stored in a separate ets index to
%% avoid filling primary message store index and message files with
%% client termination messages.
%% When the msg_store has a backlog (i.e. it has unprocessed messages
%% in its mailbox / gen_server priority queue), a further optimisation
%% opportunity arises: we can eliminate pairs of 'write' and 'remove'
%% from the same client for the same message. A typical occurrence of
%% these is when an empty durable queue delivers persistent messages
%% to ack'ing consumers. The queue will asynchronously ask the
%% msg_store to 'write' such messages, and when they are acknowledged
%% it will issue a 'remove'. That 'remove' may be issued before the
%% msg_store has processed the 'write'. There is then no point going
%% ahead with the processing of that 'write'.
%% To detect this situation a 'flying_ets' table is shared between the
%% clients and the server. The table is keyed on the combination of
%% client (reference) and msg id, and the value represents an
%% integration of all the writes and removes currently "in flight" for
%% that message between the client and server - '+1' means all the
%% writes/removes add up to a single 'write', '-1' to a 'remove', and
%% '0' to nothing. (NB: the integration can never add up to more than
%% one 'write' or 'read' since clients must not write/remove a message
%% more than once without first removing/writing it).
%% Maintaining this table poses two challenges: 1) both the clients
%% and the server access and update the table, which causes
%% concurrency issues, 2) we must ensure that entries do not stay in
%% the table forever, since that would constitute a memory leak. We
%% address the former by carefully modelling all operations as
%% sequences of atomic actions that produce valid results in all
%% possible interleavings. We address the latter by deleting table
%% entries whenever the server finds a 0-valued entry during the
%% processing of a write/remove. 0 is essentially equivalent to "no
%% entry". If, OTOH, the value is non-zero we know there is at least
%% one other 'write' or 'remove' in flight, so we get an opportunity
%% later to delete the table entry when processing these.
%% There are two further complications. We need to ensure that 1)
%% eliminated writes still get confirmed, and 2) the write-back cache
%% doesn't grow unbounded. These are quite straightforward to
%% address. See the comments in the code.
%% For notes on Clean Shutdown and startup, see documentation in
%% rabbit_variable_queue.


· One min read


tcp 靠的是什么保证链接?




所以大部分场景我们需要保证我们的运行时间小于心跳时间 , 不然会有pipe broken的问题,其实这个问题一般是超过心跳时间,导致rabbitmq 手动断开tcp连接了